Risk Fraud

CHF 280.00

Enrollment duration: 60 days from the enrollment day
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The course is designed to help banks understand and mitigate liabilities linked to fraud by means of forged signatures and other deceptive acts by unauthorised third parties. It also features practical examples of jurisprudence.

With a focus on new methods of communication, like email and mobile applications, the program outlines the rules that govern a bank’s responsibility related to the execution of instructions, such as:

  1. Payment orders

  2. Withdrawal requests

  3. Securities transfers on behalf of its customers.

Course Duration: Approximately 60 minutes
Assessment: A formal assessment consisting of 10 questions with a passing grade of 80% forms part of this course.
Target audience: Front office, compliance, central file, risk and legal professionals.
Certification: Upon completion, participants will earn a certificate
Prerequisites: None
Language: English

Course Duration: Approximately 60 minutes

Assessment: A formal assessment consisting of 10 questions with a passing grade of 80% forms part of this course.

Target Audience: Front office, compliance, central file, risk and legal professionals.

Certification: Upon completion, participants will earn a certificate

Prerequisites: None

Language: English

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