International Sanctions

CHF 300.00

Enrollment duration: 60 days from the enrollment day
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The course mainly outlines the Swiss sanctions regime. In addition, it gives an overview of how Swiss banks are impacted by sanctions issued by the United Nations, the European Union and the United States.

Participants will learn about:

  1. Key terms and different nature and types of sanctions, possible reasons for sanctions as well as the contexts in which they are typically applied.

  2. The different target groups for sanctions, including individuals, legal entities, states and countries.

  3. In addition, the training covers the potential risks and legal impact for financial institutions in case the Swiss sanctions regime is violated.

Course Duration: Approximately 45 minutes
Assessment: A formal assessment consisting of 10 questions with a passing grade of 80% forms part of this course.
Target audience: Employees working in compliance, risk and legal, as well as front office roles.
Certification: Upon completion, participants will earn a certificate
Prerequisites: None
Language: English

Course Duration: Approximately 45 minutes

Assessment: A formal assessment consisting of 10 questions with a passing grade of 80% forms part of this course.

Target Audience: Employees working in compliance, risk and legal, as well as front office roles.

Certification: Upon completion, participants will earn a certificate

Prerequisites: None

Language: English

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