AML Foundation

CHF 400.00

Enrollment duration: 60 days from the enrollment day
Saq certification logo

The AML Foundation course trains on basic knowledge of current AML and CBD 20 regulations.

The course contains a theory module and a final assessment as well. The course aims to provide basic knowledge on the following topics:

  1. AML and CDB definitions

  2. Regulation framework

  3. Sanctions regimes

  4. Tax offences

  5. Know Your Customer (KYC)

  6. Know Your Transactions (KYT)

Course Duration: 60 minutes
Assessment: A formal assessment consisting of 10 questions with a passing grade of 80% forms part of this course.
Target audience: Anyone working in the swiss financial sector
Certification: Upon completion, participants will earn a certificate
Prerequisites: None
Language: English

Course Duration: 60 minutes

Assessment: A formal assessment consisting of 10 questions with a passing grade of 80% forms part of this course.

Target Audience: Anyone working in the swiss financial sector

Certification: Upon completion, participants will earn a certificate

Prerequisites: None

Language: English

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